Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Things to consider during flood recovery

Mat-Su | EOC; Patty Sullivan, PIO | Sunday, September 23, 2012

Emergency Operations Center, Sep 24—As some residents move into the RECOVERY MODE consider this:
Please document everything. It will affect potential future financial aid. This means, take photos, write dates, write down losses.

This includes property such as lost vehicles:
Some have lost vehicles in a river that rose while you were hunting. Others have lost RVs that were sitting in the driveway when the waters moved in. Of course many homes have been flooded, and documentation of the damage to your home is important. The state has a great website for cleanup and links to information and how-tos

There is also a meeting in Talkeetna tomorrow night.

WHEN: 6 PM, SEPT. 24
The meeting will give residents information on what to do after the flood including how to test drinking water, how to clean up wells, how to pump basements, how to record the damage, and more. The Borough will share the information from the meeting as well. Water test kits will be handed out at the meeting and demonstrated.
