Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Parks Highway may close at Houston

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Friday, August 18, 2006

EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER--The city of Houston is in jeopardy of flooding. Water is flowing from the Little Susitna River onto King Arthur Road, a major route into the east side of Houston near the Parks Highway. Farther up at mile 58 on the Parks, the road is close to being impassable. Water is rising on one lane. The Houston Police reports it has plans to close down both lanes of the Parks sometime after 11 pm.

Volunteer firefighters who live in the area report water inside some homes near mile 58. Emergency personnel, likely the dive team, will be offering to evacuate residents in the area possibly by boat.

Responders are gearing up to possibly evacuate Houston.

The Willow Community Center is open and ready for residents who need shelter. The other two shelters at Larson and Su Valley schools are closed.

The Borough's Emergency Operations Center continues to monitor the situation and order resources.

At least one water level has dropped. The Little Susitna River at Schrock Road has dropped one foot as of 11 pm.

Gov. Frank Murkowski toured the MAT-SU Borough today, and declared it a state disaster.

For more information visit the Borough Web site at
