Matanuska-Susitna Borough

MSB Stockpiling 900 Tons of Rock in Talkeetna

Mat-Su | Stefan Hinman | Friday, September 08, 2023

    A Borough contractor will begin stockpiling approximately 900 tons of rock in Talkeetna over the weekend for emergency purposes, and staff will closely monitor for any new developments. Ideally, installation should be delayed until the river recedes. The 10-day weather forecast indicates a period of drier weather, which should allow the river level to recede. Should that pattern continue, the Borough has an Emergency Response Plan and could make repairs within the next couple of months, providing funding is available.

On Monday, staff will meet with additional US Army Corps of Engineers members onsite with an update again on Tuesday to the Borough Assembly. 

The Background

   Late Tuesday afternoon, September 5, Public Works staff conducted a site visit to observe reported erosion along the bank of Susitna River near A Street in Talkeetna. On Wednesday, Public Works’ staff reviewed the findings and were developing an appropriate plan of action. However, Thursday morning, Public Works received a report from the Talkeetna Fire Chief that the riverbank had significant erosion overnight and was putting additional risk upon existing cabins along A Street.

                On Thursday, September 7, the borough public works Director arrived in Talkeetna with a US Army Corps of Engineers representative to conduct an assessment. The affected property owner was also onsite during the meeting. It was estimated that the river claimed 65 feet of land overnight, consistent with staff photos taken on Tuesday and visual observation. The erosion had completely removed the revetment along A Street from E Main Street to E First Street (approximately 325’). The depth of water near the eroded riverbank is anticipated to be 6’ to 12’. While onsite, staff reviewed the National Weather Service hydrograph for Talkeetna River and noted discharge had peaked (11.10 feet) around 9 a.m. that morning, was receding, and forecasted to continue a reduced discharge into the weekend. However, the increased discharge overnight was likely responsible for the additional erosion. It was speculated that flow from the Chulitna River (approximately ½ mile upstream on the west side of the Susitna River) was discharging at an elevated rate sufficient to cause an eastward shift of the Susitna River and affected flow along the east bank. There is no stream gauge on the Chulitna River to confirm flow rates.

 All updates on flooding events in the Borough are published at:

For more information call: Stefan Hinman 907-982-2805/ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



PRESS RELEASE: September 7, 2023

The Mat-Su Borough is evaluating the high-water erosion at the end of Main Street in Talkeetna.

There has been significant erosion of the revetment near the confluence of the Susitna, Chulitna, and Talkeetna Rivers.

At this point, there are four small cabins that may be affected.

Borough staff and the US Army Corps of Engineers were on site today to evaluate the situation. We are continuing to monitor potential impacts on public infrastructure and other private property.

The Borough is reviewing options for staging additional material in the area.

We are not recommending evacuations at this time.

All updates on flooding events in the Borough are published at:

For more information call: Stefan Hinman 907-982-2805/ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


