Matanuska-Susitna Borough

MSB Facilities and Road Update

Mat-Su | Erin Leaders | Friday, December 07, 2018

MSB Facilities and Road Update

MSB Facilities status summary as of 11:15 AM December 7, 2018:

At this time, no MSB facilities are closed due to earthquake damage.

Most Borough buildings suffered minor cosmetic damage mostly limited to sheet rock and plaster cracking and damage to acoustical ceiling tiles. A few facilities had damage to overhead doors and plumbing but this damage has been repaired to the point where the buildings are operational. Some permanent repairs remain to be completed but are underway.

The following is a road repair update for Mat-Su Borough owned and operated roads as of 10:45 AM on December 7, 2018. Vine Road is excluded because it is under repair by AK DOT.

Point MacKenzie Road: Temporary repairs complete. Open to two-way traffic. Permanent repairs scheduled for summer 2019. Cost estimate for permanent repair is $2.5 million.

Lu Young Lane: Temporary repair work is still underway. Will be complete late on December 7. Permanent repairs scheduled for summer 2019. Cost estimate for permanent repair is being developed but is expected to exceed $100,000.

West Expectations Road: Minor damage is not causing a safety hazard and will be repaired during summer 2019. Cost estimate being developed but is expected to exceed $40,000.

Settlers Bay Drive: Minor damage. Temporary repairs expected to begin on the afternoon of December 7 and should be completed the same day. Permanent repairs scheduled for summer 2019 at an estimated cost of $50,000.

North Shore Drive: Temporary repairs are underway and should be complete on December 7. Permanent repairs scheduled for summer 2019 are estimated to cost $40,000.
Preston Hills Drive: Minor damage due to subsidence is not a hazard to traffic so no temporary repair is planned. Permanent repair is scheduled for summer 2019.

Susitna Parkway: Temporary repairs complete. Open to two-way traffic. Permanent repairs scheduled for summer 2019. Cost estimate for permanent repair is being developed.

Beaver Lake Road: Two temporary repairs are complete. Permanent repairs scheduled for summer 2019. Open to two-way traffic. Cost estimate for permanent repair is being developed.

Horseshoe Lake Road: Multiple cracks in roadway are not compromising safety. No temporary repair needed. Permanent repairs scheduled for summer 2019.

West Lakes Blvd: Suspect minor damage. Snow and ice accumulation is preventing full damage assessment. 
South Trunk Road: Temporary repairs are complete. Permanent repairs scheduled for summer of 2019 are expected to cost about $25,000.

Railroad overpass bridge on South Trunk Road: Northbound lane approach to bring has subsidence and pavement cracking but is not a hazard to traffic. Temporary repairs are scheduled for December 10 and are expected to cost $6500. Permanent repairs scheduled for next summer. Cost estimate is being developed.

Larkspur Hill Circle: Cracks in the pavement were removed and temporary repairs are complete costing $12,350. Permanent repairs scheduled for summer 2019 and are expected to cost $30,000.

Hemlock Drive: Pavement cracks and subsidence were temporarily repaired at a cost of $11,200. Permanent repairs scheduled for summer 2019 and are expected to cost $25,000.

South Colleen Road: Shoulder subsidence repairs are underway. Temporary repairs are expected to cost $7,580. Permanent repairs schedules for next summer are expected to cost $40,000.

Matanuska Spur Road: Cracks on shoulder of pavement and guardrail damage due to subsidence temporary repairs are complete at a cost of $12,798. Permanent repairs are scheduled for next summer and are expected to cost $60,000.

All other paved roads will have to be assessed next spring after snow and ice melts.
