Matanuska-Susitna Borough

MAT-SU roads hurting for your voice

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Sunday, August 16, 2009

MAT-SU— On Aug. 24, MAT-SU residents will be able to talk roads with State legislative transportation decision makers—an incredible opportunity. The event is at the Curtis D. Menard Memorial Sports Center, 1001 South Mack Dr., Wasilla.

Traditionally, constituents must fly to Juneau to testify in person before Senate and House Transportation Committee members. This event brings Juneau to you.

So far ten Legislators, on the transportation committees, have confirmed attending.

MAT-SU roads need your voice. Three of the four most dangerous roads are here. Two of them are traffic safety corridors. The corridors provide enhanced Trooper enforcement, but many crashes continue to occur.

The number of fatalities from 1977 – 2007 on three highways are:
• Parks Highway: Lucus Road to Alaska Railroad – Houston crossing (MP 56)= 41 fatalities
• Knik Goose Bay Road: Parks Highway to Point McKenzie Road = 38 fatalities
• Palmer-Wasilla Highway: Glenn Highway to Parks Highway = 27 fatalities

trafficcongestion.weller.smallSteady population growth in the MAT-SU for the past 20 years has pushed traffic levels beyond what the roads were built to handle. In the past decade our population grew 39 percent. The Parks Highway segment from Lucus to Millers Reach Road had 4,000 vehicles on it in 1977 and by 2005 had increased to 15,000 vehicles per day, nearly a 375 percent increase, according to state figures.

Many of our arterial, two-lane roads are carrying four lanes worth of traffic.

Locals know how important roads are for safety and the economy. MAT-SU voters agreed to tax themselves to support road projects when they approved a $49 million road bond last October with the hopes that the State would partner in the project with a 70-30 split on costs. Only one other community has stepped up this way. Local governments here—the Borough and three cities of Palmer, Wasilla, and Houston—have joined together to support funding of local transportation infrastructure.

The event is sponsored by the MAT-SU Community Transportation Coalition.

For more information contact Brad Sworts, MAT-SU Borough Transportation Planning Division Manager at 745-9833 or Patty Sullivan, Public Affairs Director MAT-SU Borough 745-9577 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The event begins at 8 a.m. with opportunity for public testimony at 12:30-1:30 and 4:30-6 p.m.

MASCOT buses will pick up and depart during the event at several times. For details visit
A flyer is at this link.


