Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Forty parcels of Borough land are for sale

Mat-Su | Jack Horner | Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Land Sale Brochure & Map Viewer
Land Sale Brochure

Forty parcels of Borough land are for sale and will be open for competitive sealed bid starting at 8 a.m. on May 26. Buyers can view the parcels online and download the Land Sale Brochure to assist with bid submittals. 

The links are shown below.  For questions you may call Land Management at 861-7869.

The competitive sealed bid land sale ends June 23 at 12 pm.

Last August, the online parcel viewer debuted, helping give context to Borough parcels open for purchase and likely increasing land sales for the Borough. On a single day, 189 views were clicked on the page. 

The viewer is a helpful tool when considering buying property.  It can answer questions on, what infrastructure is nearby, the assessed property value, acreage of the parcel, or if any buildings are present. 

Among the helpful features of the online parcel viewer:

  • instructional pop-up window when the viewer opens
  • view the parcel by typing in the tax sale # or physical address
  • view the tax map by clicking on the paperclip icon on the title bar
  • view the parcel with imagery or hillshade by choosing different basemaps to see the physical features of the property
  • print out a map of the parcel by clicking on the printer icon

For more information contact the Land Management Division at 861-7869.
