Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Emergency Manager Cook graduates 3 Academies

Emmitsburg, MD | FEMA press release | Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Matanuska-Susitna Borough Emergency Manager Casey Cook is the second emergency manager in the nation to complete all three academies in the Emergency Management Professionals Program, which is the flagship program of Emergency Management Institute.


Palmer, AK Resident Graduates from FEMA’s National Emergency Management Advanced Academy

Emmitsburg, MD-Casey Cook graduated from FEMA’s National Emergency Management Advanced Academy at the Emergency Management Institute in Emmitsburg, MD, after he completed the full curriculum that provides the strategic level training and education and the essential skills needed for emergency management professionals to manage dynamic and resilient emergency management programs on April 7, 2017. 

Cook, completed the four one week resident courses in the Advanced Academy including: A Survey of Advanced Concepts in Emergency Management, Assessment and Application of Professional Style in Emergency Management, Advanced Concepts and Issues in the Emergency Management Organization and Advanced Concepts and Issues in the Emergency Management Community and Profession.

FEMA’s National Emergency Management Advanced Academy reinforces the qualities needed to manage emergency management programs, provides relevant management theories and concepts, and utilizes appropriate case studies. Advanced Academy participants work within a collaborative environment on projects and establish a network of their peers. The Academy is designed for Emergency Management mid-level managers wanting to advance their skillset. Students learn skills critical to performing emergency management responsibilities, such as: program management and oversight, effective communication at all levels, integrated collaboration, and strategic thinking, along with completing a Research Project one month prior to attending the final course. The Advanced Academy provides students the opportunity to demonstrate their critical thinking ability through a guided research project. Students apply the key learning concepts from the Advanced Academy curriculum relative to their own skillsets and abilities within their organizations, and their own performance environments.
