Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Clapp Street

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Monday, December 28, 2015

Until now, Vine Road has been the only major collector between the busy Parks & Knik-Goose Bay highways. Last week, Clapp Street opened, patching vehicles through from Knik-Goose Bay Road past the Menard Center to Church Street at the Parks Highway.

The project had two pieces, the highway intersection and the road itself.

The intersection is a joint project of Mat-Su Borough, City of Wasilla, & Alaska DOT. Wasilla has funded $3.2 million on the project for design, right-of-way acquisition, utility relocations and construction administration. This was funded through grants from the State of Alaska beginning in 2009. The State DOT contributed $2.85 million.

The Borough managed the road, a 1.8 mile project for $7 M, funded by 2011 road bonds. The State pays 50 percent match.

The route is one of the busiest in the Valley. At Knik-Goose Bay Road and the Palmer Wasilla Highway 19,660 vehicles pass through daily, according to 2013 average traffic counts. At the Clapp Street intersection, 16,810 vehicles move by. Thank you voters. Thanks State Legislators.

See the video at this link:

Borough Project Manager Bob Walden had special thanks: "Special thanks goes to Bristol Construction for helping their electrical subcontractor complete necessary parts to make the signal at KGB operational and Greg Beck/Charlie Wagner with ADOT maintenance for fitting us into their schedule for signal/wiring certification inspections," Walden wrote.
