Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Department Presentations Give Insight

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Last year ... thirty three vessels picked up cargo at Port MacKenzie. The Planning Department issued 627 driveway permits. The two pools operated at capacity. Each animal care officer drove more than 22,000 miles. Ninety percent of the Department of Emergency Services workforce is paid, on call, rather than full time employees. IT handled six million emails, four million of them spam. Finance added 451 new parcels and 950 new structures to the tax roll. Public Works completed $9 million in road projects and is responsible for 100 buildings. Capital Projects completed seven road projects and 16 construction projects. Learn more from each department director in their 2017 budget presentations posted here.

Read through the director slides posted on this page.

A special web page is devoted to budget information.

Assembly Members and Mayor Halter toured the newly refurbished ambulance, one of four getting a new chassis, converting from diesel to gasoline, and refitting the box. Gamble said the refurbishment saves $65,000 over a new ambulance.

For more information call Public Affairs Director Patty Sullivan or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Photos and audio by Stefan Hinman and Sullivan, Public Affairs, Mat-Su Borough.




Community Development Conferring George Hays and Eric Wyatt, Admin. & IT, with staff in focus. Tammy Clayton-Finance & Terry Dolan-Public Works Eric Phillips in a suit. (community development) Kirsten Vesel, Animal Care, approaches the lectern. Patty Sullivan- Public Affairs & Mary Miller-Administration in the press box Bill Gamble- Emergency Services Terry Dolan-Public Works Jude Bilafer-Capital Projects Reacting to Assembly Member George McKee's remarks on Animal Care budget vs. Emergency Services Marc VanDongen-Port Eileen Probasco-Planning Assembly Members Matthew Beck and Dan Mayfield inspect the newly arrived, refitted amulance. Inside the ambulance, Assembly Member Steve Colligan, seated Mayor Vern Halter, Assembly Member Randall Kowalke Assembly Member Barbara Doty shares laugh with Ken Barkley, Deputy Director of Fire