Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Bridge Opening in Willow Honors Kenny Getts

Mat-Su | Stefan Hinman | Friday, July 05, 2013

On June 29, The Kenny Getts Bridge was opened honoring the man who built the original bridge out of old box cars.

Building it was a major accomplishment and was done in record time after the Shirley Towne Bridge washed out in the September 2012 flood. This made it a big challenge for about 30 families living on Kenny Boulevard to get to and from home. Due to the extensive damage done to the Shirley Towne Bridge, the solution was to focus all efforts into finishing the new one.  Swalling Construction put on two shifts of crews and worked through weekends to make it happen.

During the event, The Getts family shared stories of Kenny Getts and his "get it done and do it right" attitude and Jim Norcross, the Road Service Area supervisor, shared the Getts family history in the area.

State appropriations were used in funding the project, with Sen. Charlie Huggins and Rep. Mark Neuman working with the legislature to see it through.

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Above photo from left to right: Sen. Mike Dunleavy, Rep. Mark Newman, Sen. Charlie Huggins, Rep. Wes Keller

