Public Works

Problem Reporter

Problems with potholes? Road Maintenance issues? Let us know with our problem reporter app.
Report Problem
The MSB Public Works Department will be recognized by residents and Borough employees as providing high quality road, vehicle, and facility maintenance as well as solid waste disposal and recycling services. We will be known for responsiveness, reliability, good stewardship of public funds, and compassionate attention given to the needs of every resident and employee.
The mission of the Public Works Department is to provide safe and efficient operation and maintenance of Borough roads, vehicles, and facilities as well as cost effective and safe operation of Borough utilities including solid waste disposal, water treatment, wastewater treatment, and flood control services.
Phone: (907) 861-7751
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: (907) 861-7752
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: (907) 861-7715
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: (907) 861-7711
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: (907) 861-7606
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Public Works Documents
Operations and Maintenance Division

Problem Reporter

Problems with potholes? Road Maintenance issues? Let us know with our problem reporter app.
Report Problem
The Operations and Maintenance (O & M) Division manages road improvement projects, natural resource projects, and community projects. We provide maintenance of:
- Roads
- Facilities
- Utilities
- Vehicles (excluding Emergency Services vehicles)
1420 South Industrial Way, Palmer
Phone: (907) 861-7755
Fax: (907 ) 861-7769
Solid Waste Division

1201 N. 49th State Street (just off the Palmer-Wasilla Highway)
Phone: (907) 861-7600
Fax: (907) 861-7609
Pre-Design & Engineering Division

The Pre-Design and Engineering Division’s purpose is to continually improve the quality of the Borough’s public infrastructure system, providing our citizens with the safest, most efficient, environmentally sound, and balanced transportation system possible.
For more detail regarding specific functions within Pre-Design and Engineering, see the PD & E page.
533 E. Fireweed Avenue in Palmer
Phone: (907) 861-7723
Fax: (907) 861-7735
Programs & Studies
SdRendering Object ( [me:CCK_Rendering:private] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 83 [text] => Programs ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/fish-passage-program [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Fish Passage Program [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Fish Passage Program ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => fish-passage-program ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => 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[ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [id] => cck23527 [desc] => [form] => [mode] => content [mode_property] => value [name] => simplesimon [type] => programs_module [type_infos] => [markup] => [markup_pos] => [method] => getValue [methodRender] => onCCK_FieldRenderContent [responsive] => 0 [path] => /var/www/html/templates/simplesimon [path_lib] => /var/www/html/libraries/cck/rendering [params] => Array ( [rendering_css_class] => [rendering_custom_attributes] => [rendering_css_core] => [variation_default] => seb_css3 ) [positions] => Array ( [mainbody] => Array ( [0] => art_catid [1] => art_title [2] => art_alias [3] => file_upload [4] => url ) ) [grid] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 100 ) [2] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 50 [2] => 50 ) [3] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 33f [2] => 34f [3] => 33f ) [4] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 25 [2] => 25 [3] => 25 [4] => 25 ) [5] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 20 [2] => 20 [3] => 20 [4] => 20 [5] => 20 ) [6] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 17f [2] => 16f [3] => 17f [4] => 17f [5] => 16f [6] => 17f ) ) [infinite] => [css] => [browser] => [debug] => [js] => [js2] => [profiler] => [config] => Array ( [doComputation] => 0 [mode] => content [client] => item [computation] => Array ( ) [rendering_id] => cck23527 ) [client] => item [template] => simplesimon [location] => site [theme] => msb_bolide [positions2] => Array ( ) [positions_m] => Array ( [hidden] => stdClass Object ( [position] => hidden [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => ) [mainbody] => stdClass Object ( [position] => mainbody [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => [legend2] => Category / Title / Alias / FIle Upload / Website URL ) ) [base] => [profiler_log] => [translate] => 0 [list] => Array ( [23137] => CCK_Item Object ( [me:CCK_Item:private] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 83 [text] => Programs ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/fish-passage-program [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Fish Passage Program [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Fish Passage Program ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => fish-passage-program ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => 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[ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [path] => /var/www/html/templates/seb_blog [path_lib] => /var/www/html/libraries/cck/rendering [mode] => content [template] => seb_blog [theme] => msb_bolide [type] => programs_module [fields] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 83 [text] => Programs ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/fish-passage-program [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Fish Passage Program [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Fish Passage Program ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => fish-passage-program ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [params] => Array ( [rendering_item_attributes] => [rendering_css_class] => [top_items] => 50 [top_display] => renderItem [top_display_field_name] => [top_columns] => 2 [top_column_width] => 0 [top_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [top_item_order] => 0 [top_item_height] => 1 [middle_items] => [middle_display] => renderItem [middle_display_field_name] => [middle_columns] => 2 [middle_column_width] => 0 [middle_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [middle_item_order] => 0 [middle_item_height] => 1 [bottom_items] => [bottom_display] => renderItem [bottom_display_field_name] => [bottom_columns] => 3 [bottom_column_width] => 0 [bottom_column_width_custom] => 33,34,33 [bottom_item_order] => 0 [bottom_item_height] => 1 [cck_client_item] => 1 [debug] => 0 [item_margin] => 8 [rendering_css_core] => ) [positions] => Array ( [mainbody] => Array ( [0] => art_catid [1] => art_title [2] => art_alias [3] => file_upload [4] => url ) ) [methodRender] => onCCK_FieldRenderContent [css] => [js] => [js2] => [config] => Array ( ) [id] => cck23137 [positions_m] => Array ( [hidden] => stdClass Object ( [position] => hidden [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => ) [mainbody] => stdClass Object ( [position] => mainbody [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => [legend2] => Category / Title / Alias / FIle Upload / Website URL ) ) [pid] => 23527 [pk] => 23137 [pkb] => 0 [cck] => general_article [location] => joomla_article [author] => 267 ) [24541] => CCK_Item Object ( [me:CCK_Item:private] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 94 [text] => Offsite Document ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/safe-streets-for-all [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Safe Streets for All [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Safe Streets for All ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => safe-streets-for-all ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [path] => /var/www/html/templates/seb_blog [path_lib] => /var/www/html/libraries/cck/rendering [mode] => content [template] => seb_blog [theme] => msb_bolide [type] => programs_module [fields] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 94 [text] => Offsite Document ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/safe-streets-for-all [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Safe Streets for All [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Safe Streets for All ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => safe-streets-for-all ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [params] => Array ( [rendering_item_attributes] => [rendering_css_class] => [top_items] => 50 [top_display] => renderItem [top_display_field_name] => [top_columns] => 2 [top_column_width] => 0 [top_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [top_item_order] => 0 [top_item_height] => 1 [middle_items] => [middle_display] => renderItem [middle_display_field_name] => [middle_columns] => 2 [middle_column_width] => 0 [middle_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [middle_item_order] => 0 [middle_item_height] => 1 [bottom_items] => [bottom_display] => renderItem [bottom_display_field_name] => [bottom_columns] => 3 [bottom_column_width] => 0 [bottom_column_width_custom] => 33,34,33 [bottom_item_order] => 0 [bottom_item_height] => 1 [cck_client_item] => 1 [debug] => 0 [item_margin] => 8 [rendering_css_core] => ) [positions] => Array ( [mainbody] => Array ( [0] => art_catid [1] => art_title [2] => art_alias [3] => file_upload [4] => url ) ) [methodRender] => onCCK_FieldRenderContent [css] => [js] => [js2] => [config] => Array ( ) [id] => cck24541 [positions_m] => Array ( [hidden] => stdClass Object ( [position] => hidden [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => ) [mainbody] => stdClass Object ( [position] => mainbody [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => [legend2] => Category / Title / Alias / FIle Upload / Website URL ) ) [pid] => 24953 [pk] => 24541 [pkb] => 0 [cck] => document [location] => joomla_article [author] => 400 ) [23256] => CCK_Item Object ( [me:CCK_Item:private] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 94 [text] => Offsite Document ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/traffic-calming-study [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Traffic Calming Study [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Traffic Calming Study ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => traffic-calming-study ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => 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[ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [path] => /var/www/html/templates/seb_blog [path_lib] => /var/www/html/libraries/cck/rendering [mode] => content [template] => seb_blog [theme] => msb_bolide [type] => programs_module [fields] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 94 [text] => Offsite Document ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/traffic-calming-study [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Traffic Calming Study [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Traffic Calming Study ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => traffic-calming-study ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [params] => Array ( [rendering_item_attributes] => [rendering_css_class] => [top_items] => 50 [top_display] => renderItem [top_display_field_name] => [top_columns] => 2 [top_column_width] => 0 [top_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [top_item_order] => 0 [top_item_height] => 1 [middle_items] => [middle_display] => renderItem [middle_display_field_name] => [middle_columns] => 2 [middle_column_width] => 0 [middle_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [middle_item_order] => 0 [middle_item_height] => 1 [bottom_items] => [bottom_display] => renderItem [bottom_display_field_name] => [bottom_columns] => 3 [bottom_column_width] => 0 [bottom_column_width_custom] => 33,34,33 [bottom_item_order] => 0 [bottom_item_height] => 1 [cck_client_item] => 1 [debug] => 0 [item_margin] => 8 [rendering_css_core] => ) [positions] => Array ( [mainbody] => Array ( [0] => art_catid [1] => art_title [2] => art_alias [3] => file_upload [4] => url ) ) [methodRender] => onCCK_FieldRenderContent [css] => [js] => [js2] => [config] => Array ( ) [id] => cck23256 [positions_m] => Array ( [hidden] => stdClass Object ( [position] => hidden [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => ) [mainbody] => stdClass Object ( [position] => mainbody [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => [legend2] => Category / Title / Alias / FIle Upload / Website URL ) ) [pid] => 23649 [pk] => 23256 [pkb] => 0 [cck] => document [location] => joomla_article [author] => 267 ) [13798] => CCK_Item Object ( [me:CCK_Item:private] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 83 [text] => Programs ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/traffic-data-program [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Traffic Data Program [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Traffic Data Program ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => traffic-data-program ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [path] => /var/www/html/templates/seb_blog [path_lib] => /var/www/html/libraries/cck/rendering [mode] => content [template] => seb_blog [theme] => msb_bolide [type] => programs_module [fields] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 83 [text] => Programs ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/traffic-data-program [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Traffic Data Program [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Traffic Data Program ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => traffic-data-program ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [params] => Array ( [rendering_item_attributes] => [rendering_css_class] => [top_items] => 50 [top_display] => renderItem [top_display_field_name] => [top_columns] => 2 [top_column_width] => 0 [top_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [top_item_order] => 0 [top_item_height] => 1 [middle_items] => [middle_display] => renderItem [middle_display_field_name] => [middle_columns] => 2 [middle_column_width] => 0 [middle_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [middle_item_order] => 0 [middle_item_height] => 1 [bottom_items] => [bottom_display] => renderItem [bottom_display_field_name] => [bottom_columns] => 3 [bottom_column_width] => 0 [bottom_column_width_custom] => 33,34,33 [bottom_item_order] => 0 [bottom_item_height] => 1 [cck_client_item] => 1 [debug] => 0 [item_margin] => 8 [rendering_css_core] => ) [positions] => Array ( [mainbody] => Array ( [0] => art_catid [1] => art_title [2] => art_alias [3] => file_upload [4] => url ) ) [methodRender] => onCCK_FieldRenderContent [css] => [js] => [js2] => [config] => Array ( ) [id] => cck13798 [positions_m] => Array ( [hidden] => stdClass Object ( [position] => hidden [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => ) [mainbody] => stdClass Object ( [position] => mainbody [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => [legend2] => Category / Title / Alias / FIle Upload / Website URL ) ) [pid] => 13907 [pk] => 13798 [pkb] => 0 [cck] => general_article [location] => joomla_article [author] => 268 ) ) [i_infos] => Array ( [context] => [params] => Array ( [rendering_css_class] => [rendering_custom_attributes] => [rendering_css_core] => ) [path] => /var/www/html/templates/simplesimon [root] => [template] => simplesimon [theme] => msb_bolide ) [i_params] => Array ( [template] => simplesimon [file] => index.php [directory] => /var/www/html/templates ) [i_positions] => Array ( [mainbody] => Array ( [0] => art_catid [1] => art_title [2] => art_alias [3] => file_upload [4] => url ) ) [i_positions_more] => Array ( [hidden] => stdClass Object ( [position] => hidden [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => ) [mainbody] => stdClass Object ( [position] => mainbody [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => [legend2] => Category / Title / Alias / FIle Upload / Website URL ) ) [id_attributes] => [id_class] => [item_attributes] => )
SdRendering Object ( [me:CCK_Rendering:private] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 94 [text] => Offsite Document ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/safe-streets-for-all [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Safe Streets for All [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Safe Streets for All ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => safe-streets-for-all ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [id] => cck24953 [desc] => [form] => [mode] => content [mode_property] => value [name] => simplesimon [type] => programs_module [type_infos] => [markup] => [markup_pos] => [method] => getValue [methodRender] => onCCK_FieldRenderContent [responsive] => 0 [path] => /var/www/html/templates/simplesimon [path_lib] => /var/www/html/libraries/cck/rendering [params] => Array ( [rendering_css_class] => [rendering_custom_attributes] => [rendering_css_core] => [variation_default] => seb_css3 ) [positions] => Array ( [mainbody] => Array ( [0] => art_catid [1] => art_title [2] => art_alias [3] => file_upload [4] => url ) ) [grid] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 100 ) [2] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 50 [2] => 50 ) [3] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 33f [2] => 34f [3] => 33f ) [4] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 25 [2] => 25 [3] => 25 [4] => 25 ) [5] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 20 [2] => 20 [3] => 20 [4] => 20 [5] => 20 ) [6] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 17f [2] => 16f [3] => 17f [4] => 17f [5] => 16f [6] => 17f ) ) [infinite] => [css] => [browser] => [debug] => [js] => [js2] => [profiler] => [config] => Array ( [doComputation] => 0 [mode] => content [client] => item [computation] => Array ( ) [rendering_id] => cck24953 ) [client] => item [template] => simplesimon [location] => site [theme] => msb_bolide [positions2] => Array ( ) [positions_m] => Array ( [hidden] => stdClass Object ( [position] => hidden [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => ) [mainbody] => stdClass Object ( [position] => mainbody [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => [legend2] => Category / Title / Alias / FIle Upload / Website URL ) ) [base] => [profiler_log] => [translate] => 0 [list] => Array ( [23137] => CCK_Item Object ( [me:CCK_Item:private] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 83 [text] => Programs ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/fish-passage-program [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Fish Passage Program [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Fish Passage Program ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => fish-passage-program ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [path] => /var/www/html/templates/seb_blog [path_lib] => /var/www/html/libraries/cck/rendering [mode] => content [template] => seb_blog [theme] => msb_bolide [type] => programs_module [fields] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 83 [text] => Programs ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/fish-passage-program [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Fish Passage Program [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Fish Passage Program ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => fish-passage-program ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [params] => Array ( [rendering_item_attributes] => [rendering_css_class] => [top_items] => 50 [top_display] => renderItem [top_display_field_name] => [top_columns] => 2 [top_column_width] => 0 [top_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [top_item_order] => 0 [top_item_height] => 1 [middle_items] => [middle_display] => renderItem [middle_display_field_name] => [middle_columns] => 2 [middle_column_width] => 0 [middle_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [middle_item_order] => 0 [middle_item_height] => 1 [bottom_items] => [bottom_display] => renderItem [bottom_display_field_name] => [bottom_columns] => 3 [bottom_column_width] => 0 [bottom_column_width_custom] => 33,34,33 [bottom_item_order] => 0 [bottom_item_height] => 1 [cck_client_item] => 1 [debug] => 0 [item_margin] => 8 [rendering_css_core] => ) [positions] => Array ( [mainbody] => Array ( [0] => art_catid [1] => art_title [2] => art_alias [3] => file_upload [4] => url ) ) [methodRender] => onCCK_FieldRenderContent [css] => [js] => [js2] => [config] => Array ( ) [id] => cck23137 [positions_m] => Array ( [hidden] => stdClass Object ( [position] => hidden [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => ) [mainbody] => stdClass Object ( [position] => mainbody [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => [legend2] => Category / Title / Alias / FIle Upload / Website URL ) ) [pid] => 23527 [pk] => 23137 [pkb] => 0 [cck] => general_article [location] => joomla_article [author] => 267 ) [24541] => CCK_Item Object ( [me:CCK_Item:private] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 94 [text] => Offsite Document ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/safe-streets-for-all [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Safe Streets for All [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Safe Streets for All ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => safe-streets-for-all ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [path] => /var/www/html/templates/seb_blog [path_lib] => /var/www/html/libraries/cck/rendering [mode] => content [template] => seb_blog [theme] => msb_bolide [type] => programs_module [fields] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 94 [text] => Offsite Document ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/safe-streets-for-all [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Safe Streets for All [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Safe Streets for All ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => safe-streets-for-all ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [params] => Array ( [rendering_item_attributes] => [rendering_css_class] => [top_items] => 50 [top_display] => renderItem [top_display_field_name] => [top_columns] => 2 [top_column_width] => 0 [top_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [top_item_order] => 0 [top_item_height] => 1 [middle_items] => [middle_display] => renderItem [middle_display_field_name] => [middle_columns] => 2 [middle_column_width] => 0 [middle_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [middle_item_order] => 0 [middle_item_height] => 1 [bottom_items] => [bottom_display] => renderItem [bottom_display_field_name] => [bottom_columns] => 3 [bottom_column_width] => 0 [bottom_column_width_custom] => 33,34,33 [bottom_item_order] => 0 [bottom_item_height] => 1 [cck_client_item] => 1 [debug] => 0 [item_margin] => 8 [rendering_css_core] => ) [positions] => Array ( [mainbody] => Array ( [0] => art_catid [1] => art_title [2] => art_alias [3] => file_upload [4] => url ) ) [methodRender] => onCCK_FieldRenderContent [css] => [js] => [js2] => [config] => Array ( ) [id] => cck24541 [positions_m] => Array ( [hidden] => stdClass Object ( [position] => hidden [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => ) [mainbody] => stdClass Object ( [position] => mainbody [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => [legend2] => Category / Title / Alias / FIle Upload / Website URL ) ) [pid] => 24953 [pk] => 24541 [pkb] => 0 [cck] => document [location] => joomla_article [author] => 400 ) [23256] => CCK_Item Object ( [me:CCK_Item:private] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 94 [text] => Offsite Document ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/traffic-calming-study [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Traffic Calming Study [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Traffic Calming Study ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => traffic-calming-study ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => 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[ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [path] => /var/www/html/templates/seb_blog [path_lib] => /var/www/html/libraries/cck/rendering [mode] => content [template] => seb_blog [theme] => msb_bolide [type] => programs_module [fields] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 94 [text] => Offsite Document ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/traffic-calming-study [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Traffic Calming Study [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Traffic Calming Study ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => traffic-calming-study ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [params] => Array ( [rendering_item_attributes] => [rendering_css_class] => [top_items] => 50 [top_display] => renderItem [top_display_field_name] => [top_columns] => 2 [top_column_width] => 0 [top_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [top_item_order] => 0 [top_item_height] => 1 [middle_items] => [middle_display] => renderItem [middle_display_field_name] => [middle_columns] => 2 [middle_column_width] => 0 [middle_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [middle_item_order] => 0 [middle_item_height] => 1 [bottom_items] => [bottom_display] => renderItem [bottom_display_field_name] => [bottom_columns] => 3 [bottom_column_width] => 0 [bottom_column_width_custom] => 33,34,33 [bottom_item_order] => 0 [bottom_item_height] => 1 [cck_client_item] => 1 [debug] => 0 [item_margin] => 8 [rendering_css_core] => ) [positions] => Array ( [mainbody] => Array ( [0] => art_catid [1] => art_title [2] => art_alias [3] => file_upload [4] => url ) ) [methodRender] => onCCK_FieldRenderContent [css] => [js] => [js2] => [config] => Array ( ) [id] => cck23256 [positions_m] => Array ( [hidden] => stdClass Object ( [position] => hidden [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => ) [mainbody] => stdClass Object ( [position] => mainbody [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => [legend2] => Category / Title / Alias / FIle Upload / Website URL ) ) [pid] => 23649 [pk] => 23256 [pkb] => 0 [cck] => document [location] => joomla_article [author] => 267 ) [13798] => CCK_Item Object ( [me:CCK_Item:private] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 83 [text] => Programs ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/traffic-data-program [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Traffic Data Program [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Traffic Data Program ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => traffic-data-program ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [path] => /var/www/html/templates/seb_blog [path_lib] => /var/www/html/libraries/cck/rendering [mode] => content [template] => seb_blog [theme] => msb_bolide [type] => programs_module [fields] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 83 [text] => Programs ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/traffic-data-program [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Traffic Data Program [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Traffic Data Program ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => traffic-data-program ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [params] => Array ( [rendering_item_attributes] => [rendering_css_class] => [top_items] => 50 [top_display] => renderItem [top_display_field_name] => [top_columns] => 2 [top_column_width] => 0 [top_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [top_item_order] => 0 [top_item_height] => 1 [middle_items] => [middle_display] => renderItem [middle_display_field_name] => [middle_columns] => 2 [middle_column_width] => 0 [middle_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [middle_item_order] => 0 [middle_item_height] => 1 [bottom_items] => [bottom_display] => renderItem [bottom_display_field_name] => [bottom_columns] => 3 [bottom_column_width] => 0 [bottom_column_width_custom] => 33,34,33 [bottom_item_order] => 0 [bottom_item_height] => 1 [cck_client_item] => 1 [debug] => 0 [item_margin] => 8 [rendering_css_core] => ) [positions] => Array ( [mainbody] => Array ( [0] => art_catid [1] => art_title [2] => art_alias [3] => file_upload [4] => url ) ) [methodRender] => onCCK_FieldRenderContent [css] => [js] => [js2] => [config] => Array ( ) [id] => cck13798 [positions_m] => Array ( [hidden] => stdClass Object ( [position] => hidden [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => ) [mainbody] => stdClass Object ( [position] => mainbody [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => [legend2] => Category / Title / Alias / FIle Upload / Website URL ) ) [pid] => 13907 [pk] => 13798 [pkb] => 0 [cck] => general_article [location] => joomla_article [author] => 268 ) ) [i_infos] => Array ( [context] => [params] => Array ( [rendering_css_class] => [rendering_custom_attributes] => [rendering_css_core] => ) [path] => /var/www/html/templates/simplesimon [root] => [template] => simplesimon [theme] => msb_bolide ) [i_params] => Array ( [template] => simplesimon [file] => index.php [directory] => /var/www/html/templates ) [i_positions] => Array ( [mainbody] => Array ( [0] => art_catid [1] => art_title [2] => art_alias [3] => file_upload [4] => url ) ) [i_positions_more] => Array ( [hidden] => stdClass Object ( [position] => hidden [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => ) [mainbody] => stdClass Object ( [position] => mainbody [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => [legend2] => Category / Title / Alias / FIle Upload / Website URL ) ) [id_attributes] => [id_class] => [item_attributes] => )
SdRendering Object ( [me:CCK_Rendering:private] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 94 [text] => Offsite Document ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/traffic-calming-study [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Traffic Calming Study [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Traffic Calming Study ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => traffic-calming-study ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [id] => cck23649 [desc] => [form] => [mode] => content [mode_property] => value [name] => simplesimon [type] => programs_module [type_infos] => [markup] => [markup_pos] => [method] => getValue [methodRender] => onCCK_FieldRenderContent [responsive] => 0 [path] => /var/www/html/templates/simplesimon [path_lib] => /var/www/html/libraries/cck/rendering [params] => Array ( [rendering_css_class] => [rendering_custom_attributes] => [rendering_css_core] => [variation_default] => seb_css3 ) [positions] => Array ( [mainbody] => Array ( [0] => art_catid [1] => art_title [2] => art_alias [3] => file_upload [4] => url ) ) [grid] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 100 ) [2] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 50 [2] => 50 ) [3] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 33f [2] => 34f [3] => 33f ) [4] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 25 [2] => 25 [3] => 25 [4] => 25 ) [5] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 20 [2] => 20 [3] => 20 [4] => 20 [5] => 20 ) [6] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 17f [2] => 16f [3] => 17f [4] => 17f [5] => 16f [6] => 17f ) ) [infinite] => [css] => [browser] => [debug] => [js] => [js2] => [profiler] => [config] => Array ( [doComputation] => 0 [mode] => content [client] => item [computation] => Array ( ) [rendering_id] => cck23649 ) [client] => item [template] => simplesimon [location] => site [theme] => msb_bolide [positions2] => Array ( ) [positions_m] => Array ( [hidden] => stdClass Object ( [position] => hidden [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => ) [mainbody] => stdClass Object ( [position] => mainbody [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => [legend2] => Category / Title / Alias / FIle Upload / Website URL ) ) [base] => [profiler_log] => [translate] => 0 [list] => Array ( [23137] => CCK_Item Object ( [me:CCK_Item:private] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 83 [text] => Programs ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/fish-passage-program [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Fish Passage Program [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Fish Passage Program ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => fish-passage-program ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [path] => /var/www/html/templates/seb_blog [path_lib] => /var/www/html/libraries/cck/rendering [mode] => content [template] => seb_blog [theme] => msb_bolide [type] => programs_module [fields] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 83 [text] => Programs ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/fish-passage-program [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Fish Passage Program [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Fish Passage Program ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => fish-passage-program ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [params] => Array ( [rendering_item_attributes] => [rendering_css_class] => [top_items] => 50 [top_display] => renderItem [top_display_field_name] => [top_columns] => 2 [top_column_width] => 0 [top_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [top_item_order] => 0 [top_item_height] => 1 [middle_items] => [middle_display] => renderItem [middle_display_field_name] => [middle_columns] => 2 [middle_column_width] => 0 [middle_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [middle_item_order] => 0 [middle_item_height] => 1 [bottom_items] => [bottom_display] => renderItem [bottom_display_field_name] => [bottom_columns] => 3 [bottom_column_width] => 0 [bottom_column_width_custom] => 33,34,33 [bottom_item_order] => 0 [bottom_item_height] => 1 [cck_client_item] => 1 [debug] => 0 [item_margin] => 8 [rendering_css_core] => ) [positions] => Array ( [mainbody] => Array ( [0] => art_catid [1] => art_title [2] => art_alias [3] => file_upload [4] => url ) ) [methodRender] => onCCK_FieldRenderContent [css] => [js] => [js2] => [config] => Array ( ) [id] => cck23137 [positions_m] => Array ( [hidden] => stdClass Object ( [position] => hidden [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => ) [mainbody] => stdClass Object ( [position] => mainbody [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => [legend2] => Category / Title / Alias / FIle Upload / Website URL ) ) [pid] => 23527 [pk] => 23137 [pkb] => 0 [cck] => general_article [location] => joomla_article [author] => 267 ) [24541] => CCK_Item Object ( [me:CCK_Item:private] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 94 [text] => Offsite Document ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/safe-streets-for-all [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Safe Streets for All [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Safe Streets for All ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => safe-streets-for-all ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [path] => /var/www/html/templates/seb_blog [path_lib] => /var/www/html/libraries/cck/rendering [mode] => content [template] => seb_blog [theme] => msb_bolide [type] => programs_module [fields] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 94 [text] => Offsite Document ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/safe-streets-for-all [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Safe Streets for All [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Safe Streets for All ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => safe-streets-for-all ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [params] => Array ( [rendering_item_attributes] => [rendering_css_class] => [top_items] => 50 [top_display] => renderItem [top_display_field_name] => [top_columns] => 2 [top_column_width] => 0 [top_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [top_item_order] => 0 [top_item_height] => 1 [middle_items] => [middle_display] => renderItem [middle_display_field_name] => [middle_columns] => 2 [middle_column_width] => 0 [middle_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [middle_item_order] => 0 [middle_item_height] => 1 [bottom_items] => [bottom_display] => renderItem [bottom_display_field_name] => [bottom_columns] => 3 [bottom_column_width] => 0 [bottom_column_width_custom] => 33,34,33 [bottom_item_order] => 0 [bottom_item_height] => 1 [cck_client_item] => 1 [debug] => 0 [item_margin] => 8 [rendering_css_core] => ) [positions] => Array ( [mainbody] => Array ( [0] => art_catid [1] => art_title [2] => art_alias [3] => file_upload [4] => url ) ) [methodRender] => onCCK_FieldRenderContent [css] => [js] => [js2] => [config] => Array ( ) [id] => cck24541 [positions_m] => Array ( [hidden] => stdClass Object ( [position] => hidden [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => ) [mainbody] => stdClass Object ( [position] => mainbody [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => [legend2] => Category / Title / Alias / FIle Upload / Website URL ) ) [pid] => 24953 [pk] => 24541 [pkb] => 0 [cck] => document [location] => joomla_article [author] => 400 ) [23256] => CCK_Item Object ( [me:CCK_Item:private] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 94 [text] => Offsite Document ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/traffic-calming-study [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Traffic Calming Study [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Traffic Calming Study ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => traffic-calming-study ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [path] => /var/www/html/templates/seb_blog [path_lib] => /var/www/html/libraries/cck/rendering [mode] => content [template] => seb_blog [theme] => msb_bolide [type] => programs_module [fields] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 94 [text] => Offsite Document ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/traffic-calming-study [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Traffic Calming Study [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Traffic Calming Study ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => traffic-calming-study ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [params] => Array ( [rendering_item_attributes] => [rendering_css_class] => [top_items] => 50 [top_display] => renderItem [top_display_field_name] => [top_columns] => 2 [top_column_width] => 0 [top_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [top_item_order] => 0 [top_item_height] => 1 [middle_items] => [middle_display] => renderItem [middle_display_field_name] => [middle_columns] => 2 [middle_column_width] => 0 [middle_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [middle_item_order] => 0 [middle_item_height] => 1 [bottom_items] => [bottom_display] => renderItem [bottom_display_field_name] => [bottom_columns] => 3 [bottom_column_width] => 0 [bottom_column_width_custom] => 33,34,33 [bottom_item_order] => 0 [bottom_item_height] => 1 [cck_client_item] => 1 [debug] => 0 [item_margin] => 8 [rendering_css_core] => ) [positions] => Array ( [mainbody] => Array ( [0] => art_catid [1] => art_title [2] => art_alias [3] => file_upload [4] => url ) ) [methodRender] => onCCK_FieldRenderContent [css] => [js] => [js2] => [config] => Array ( ) [id] => cck23256 [positions_m] => Array ( [hidden] => stdClass Object ( [position] => hidden [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => ) [mainbody] => stdClass Object ( [position] => mainbody [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => [legend2] => Category / Title / Alias / FIle Upload / Website URL ) ) [pid] => 23649 [pk] => 23256 [pkb] => 0 [cck] => document [location] => joomla_article [author] => 267 ) [13798] => CCK_Item Object ( [me:CCK_Item:private] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 83 [text] => Programs ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/traffic-data-program [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Traffic Data Program [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Traffic Data Program ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => traffic-data-program ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [path] => /var/www/html/templates/seb_blog [path_lib] => /var/www/html/libraries/cck/rendering [mode] => content [template] => seb_blog [theme] => msb_bolide [type] => programs_module [fields] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 83 [text] => Programs ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/traffic-data-program [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Traffic Data Program [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Traffic Data Program ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => traffic-data-program ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [params] => Array ( [rendering_item_attributes] => [rendering_css_class] => [top_items] => 50 [top_display] => renderItem [top_display_field_name] => [top_columns] => 2 [top_column_width] => 0 [top_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [top_item_order] => 0 [top_item_height] => 1 [middle_items] => [middle_display] => renderItem [middle_display_field_name] => [middle_columns] => 2 [middle_column_width] => 0 [middle_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [middle_item_order] => 0 [middle_item_height] => 1 [bottom_items] => [bottom_display] => renderItem [bottom_display_field_name] => [bottom_columns] => 3 [bottom_column_width] => 0 [bottom_column_width_custom] => 33,34,33 [bottom_item_order] => 0 [bottom_item_height] => 1 [cck_client_item] => 1 [debug] => 0 [item_margin] => 8 [rendering_css_core] => ) [positions] => Array ( [mainbody] => Array ( [0] => art_catid [1] => art_title [2] => art_alias [3] => file_upload [4] => url ) ) [methodRender] => onCCK_FieldRenderContent [css] => [js] => [js2] => [config] => Array ( ) [id] => cck13798 [positions_m] => Array ( [hidden] => stdClass Object ( [position] => hidden [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => ) [mainbody] => stdClass Object ( [position] => mainbody [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => [legend2] => Category / Title / Alias / FIle Upload / Website URL ) ) [pid] => 13907 [pk] => 13798 [pkb] => 0 [cck] => general_article [location] => joomla_article [author] => 268 ) ) [i_infos] => Array ( [context] => [params] => Array ( [rendering_css_class] => [rendering_custom_attributes] => [rendering_css_core] => ) [path] => /var/www/html/templates/simplesimon [root] => [template] => simplesimon [theme] => msb_bolide ) [i_params] => Array ( [template] => simplesimon [file] => index.php [directory] => /var/www/html/templates ) [i_positions] => Array ( [mainbody] => Array ( [0] => art_catid [1] => art_title [2] => art_alias [3] => file_upload [4] => url ) ) [i_positions_more] => Array ( [hidden] => stdClass Object ( [position] => hidden [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => ) [mainbody] => stdClass Object ( [position] => mainbody [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => [legend2] => Category / Title / Alias / FIle Upload / Website URL ) ) [id_attributes] => [id_class] => [item_attributes] => )
SdRendering Object ( [me:CCK_Rendering:private] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 83 [text] => Programs ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/traffic-data-program [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Traffic Data Program [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Traffic Data Program ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => traffic-data-program ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [id] => cck13907 [desc] => [form] => [mode] => content [mode_property] => value [name] => simplesimon [type] => programs_module [type_infos] => [markup] => [markup_pos] => [method] => getValue [methodRender] => onCCK_FieldRenderContent [responsive] => 0 [path] => /var/www/html/templates/simplesimon [path_lib] => /var/www/html/libraries/cck/rendering [params] => Array ( [rendering_css_class] => [rendering_custom_attributes] => [rendering_css_core] => [variation_default] => seb_css3 ) [positions] => Array ( [mainbody] => Array ( [0] => art_catid [1] => art_title [2] => art_alias [3] => file_upload [4] => url ) ) [grid] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 100 ) [2] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 50 [2] => 50 ) [3] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 33f [2] => 34f [3] => 33f ) [4] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 25 [2] => 25 [3] => 25 [4] => 25 ) [5] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 20 [2] => 20 [3] => 20 [4] => 20 [5] => 20 ) [6] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 17f [2] => 16f [3] => 17f [4] => 17f [5] => 16f [6] => 17f ) ) [infinite] => [css] => [browser] => [debug] => [js] => [js2] => [profiler] => [config] => Array ( [doComputation] => 0 [mode] => content [client] => item [computation] => Array ( ) [rendering_id] => cck13907 ) [client] => item [template] => simplesimon [location] => site [theme] => msb_bolide [positions2] => Array ( ) [positions_m] => Array ( [hidden] => stdClass Object ( [position] => hidden [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => ) [mainbody] => stdClass Object ( [position] => mainbody [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => [legend2] => Category / Title / Alias / FIle Upload / Website URL ) ) [base] => [profiler_log] => [translate] => 0 [list] => Array ( [23137] => CCK_Item Object ( [me:CCK_Item:private] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 83 [text] => Programs ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/fish-passage-program [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Fish Passage Program [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Fish Passage Program ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => fish-passage-program ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [path] => /var/www/html/templates/seb_blog [path_lib] => /var/www/html/libraries/cck/rendering [mode] => content [template] => seb_blog [theme] => msb_bolide [type] => programs_module [fields] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 83 [text] => Programs ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/fish-passage-program [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Fish Passage Program [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Fish Passage Program ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => fish-passage-program ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [params] => Array ( [rendering_item_attributes] => [rendering_css_class] => [top_items] => 50 [top_display] => renderItem [top_display_field_name] => [top_columns] => 2 [top_column_width] => 0 [top_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [top_item_order] => 0 [top_item_height] => 1 [middle_items] => [middle_display] => renderItem [middle_display_field_name] => [middle_columns] => 2 [middle_column_width] => 0 [middle_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [middle_item_order] => 0 [middle_item_height] => 1 [bottom_items] => [bottom_display] => renderItem [bottom_display_field_name] => [bottom_columns] => 3 [bottom_column_width] => 0 [bottom_column_width_custom] => 33,34,33 [bottom_item_order] => 0 [bottom_item_height] => 1 [cck_client_item] => 1 [debug] => 0 [item_margin] => 8 [rendering_css_core] => ) [positions] => Array ( [mainbody] => Array ( [0] => art_catid [1] => art_title [2] => art_alias [3] => file_upload [4] => url ) ) [methodRender] => onCCK_FieldRenderContent [css] => [js] => [js2] => [config] => Array ( ) [id] => cck23137 [positions_m] => Array ( [hidden] => stdClass Object ( [position] => hidden [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => ) [mainbody] => stdClass Object ( [position] => mainbody [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => [legend2] => Category / Title / Alias / FIle Upload / Website URL ) ) [pid] => 23527 [pk] => 23137 [pkb] => 0 [cck] => general_article [location] => joomla_article [author] => 267 ) [24541] => CCK_Item Object ( [me:CCK_Item:private] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 94 [text] => Offsite Document ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/safe-streets-for-all [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Safe Streets for All [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Safe Streets for All ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => safe-streets-for-all ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [path] => /var/www/html/templates/seb_blog [path_lib] => /var/www/html/libraries/cck/rendering [mode] => content [template] => seb_blog [theme] => msb_bolide [type] => programs_module [fields] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 94 [text] => Offsite Document ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/safe-streets-for-all [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Safe Streets for All [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Safe Streets for All ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => safe-streets-for-all ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [params] => Array ( [rendering_item_attributes] => [rendering_css_class] => [top_items] => 50 [top_display] => renderItem [top_display_field_name] => [top_columns] => 2 [top_column_width] => 0 [top_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [top_item_order] => 0 [top_item_height] => 1 [middle_items] => [middle_display] => renderItem [middle_display_field_name] => [middle_columns] => 2 [middle_column_width] => 0 [middle_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [middle_item_order] => 0 [middle_item_height] => 1 [bottom_items] => [bottom_display] => renderItem [bottom_display_field_name] => [bottom_columns] => 3 [bottom_column_width] => 0 [bottom_column_width_custom] => 33,34,33 [bottom_item_order] => 0 [bottom_item_height] => 1 [cck_client_item] => 1 [debug] => 0 [item_margin] => 8 [rendering_css_core] => ) [positions] => Array ( [mainbody] => Array ( [0] => art_catid [1] => art_title [2] => art_alias [3] => file_upload [4] => url ) ) [methodRender] => onCCK_FieldRenderContent [css] => [js] => [js2] => [config] => Array ( ) [id] => cck24541 [positions_m] => Array ( [hidden] => stdClass Object ( [position] => hidden [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => ) [mainbody] => stdClass Object ( [position] => mainbody [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => [legend2] => Category / Title / Alias / FIle Upload / Website URL ) ) [pid] => 24953 [pk] => 24541 [pkb] => 0 [cck] => document [location] => joomla_article [author] => 400 ) [23256] => CCK_Item Object ( [me:CCK_Item:private] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 94 [text] => Offsite Document ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/traffic-calming-study [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Traffic Calming Study [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Traffic Calming Study ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => traffic-calming-study ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [path] => /var/www/html/templates/seb_blog [path_lib] => /var/www/html/libraries/cck/rendering [mode] => content [template] => seb_blog [theme] => msb_bolide [type] => programs_module [fields] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 94 [text] => Offsite Document ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/traffic-calming-study [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Traffic Calming Study [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Traffic Calming Study ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => traffic-calming-study ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [params] => Array ( [rendering_item_attributes] => [rendering_css_class] => [top_items] => 50 [top_display] => renderItem [top_display_field_name] => [top_columns] => 2 [top_column_width] => 0 [top_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [top_item_order] => 0 [top_item_height] => 1 [middle_items] => [middle_display] => renderItem [middle_display_field_name] => [middle_columns] => 2 [middle_column_width] => 0 [middle_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [middle_item_order] => 0 [middle_item_height] => 1 [bottom_items] => [bottom_display] => renderItem [bottom_display_field_name] => [bottom_columns] => 3 [bottom_column_width] => 0 [bottom_column_width_custom] => 33,34,33 [bottom_item_order] => 0 [bottom_item_height] => 1 [cck_client_item] => 1 [debug] => 0 [item_margin] => 8 [rendering_css_core] => ) [positions] => Array ( [mainbody] => Array ( [0] => art_catid [1] => art_title [2] => art_alias [3] => file_upload [4] => url ) ) [methodRender] => onCCK_FieldRenderContent [css] => [js] => [js2] => [config] => Array ( ) [id] => cck23256 [positions_m] => Array ( [hidden] => stdClass Object ( [position] => hidden [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => ) [mainbody] => stdClass Object ( [position] => mainbody [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => [legend2] => Category / Title / Alias / FIle Upload / Website URL ) ) [pid] => 23649 [pk] => 23256 [pkb] => 0 [cck] => document [location] => joomla_article [author] => 267 ) [13798] => CCK_Item Object ( [me:CCK_Item:private] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 83 [text] => Programs ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/traffic-data-program [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Traffic Data Program [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Traffic Data Program ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => traffic-data-program ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [path] => /var/www/html/templates/seb_blog [path_lib] => /var/www/html/libraries/cck/rendering [mode] => content [template] => seb_blog [theme] => msb_bolide [type] => programs_module [fields] => Array ( [art_catid] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 300 [title] => Article Category Id [name] => art_catid [folder] => 10 [type] => jform_category [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Category [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 50 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => catid [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 1 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => text [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => 83 [text] => Programs ) [art_title] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 302 [title] => Article Title [name] => art_title [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Title [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => form-control [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => title [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 2 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => /programs/traffic-data-program [link_options] => {"sef":"","itemid":"689","itemid_fieldname":"","content":"","content_fieldname":"","content_location":"joomla_article","language":"","itemid_mapping":"","attributes":"","class":"","target":"","rel":"","tmpl":"","custom":"","path_type":"0","state":"1"} [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => Traffic Data Program [link_attributes] => [link_class] => [link_rel] => [link_state] => 1 [link_target] => [link_title] => [html] => Traffic Data Program ) [art_alias] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 328 [title] => Article Alias [name] => art_alias [folder] => 10 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Alias [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 0 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => standard [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => alias [storage_field2] => [ordering] => 3 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => traffic-data-program ) [file_upload] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5190 [title] => FIle Upload [name] => file_upload [folder] => 507 [type] => upload_file [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => FIle Upload [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => {"path":"docs\/general\/","storage_format":"0","path_content":"1","folder_permissions":"0755","path_user":"0","media_extensions":"custom","legal_extensions":"csv,CSV,dbf,DBF,doc,DOC,docx,DOCX,dwg,DWG,gif,GIF,ico,ICO,jpeg,JPEG,jpg,JPG,mp3,MP3,pdf,PDF,png,PNG,ppt,PPT,prj,PRJ,sbn,SBN,sbx,SBX,shp,SHP,shx,SHX,txt,TXT,xcf,XCF,xls,XLS,xlsx,XLSX,xml,XML,zip,ZIP","max_size":"250","size_unit":"2","forbidden_extensions":"","preview":"1","delete_box":"1","custom_path":"0","path_label":"Path","multivalue_mode":"1","title_file":"1","title_label":"Link Title"} [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => file_upload [ordering] => 4 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [html] => [file_folder] => docs/general/ [value] => ) [url] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5308 [title] => Website URL [name] => url [folder] => 503 [type] => text [description] => [published] => 1 [label] => Website URL [selectlabel] => [display] => 3 [required] => [validation] => [defaultvalue] => [options] => [options2] => [minlength] => 0 [maxlength] => 255 [size] => 32 [cols] => 0 [rows] => 0 [sorting] => 0 [divider] => [bool] => 0 [location] => [extended] => [style] => [script] => [bool2] => 0 [bool3] => 0 [bool4] => 0 [bool5] => 0 [bool6] => 0 [bool7] => 0 [bool8] => 1 [css] => [attributes] => [storage] => custom [storage_cck] => [storage_location] => joomla_article [storage_table] => #__content [storage_field] => introtext [storage_field2] => url [ordering] => 5 [label2] => [variation] => [link] => [link_options] => [markup] => [markup_class] => [typo] => [typo_label] => 0 [typo_options] => [access] => 1 [restriction] => [restriction_options] => [position] => mainbody [typo_target] => value [linked] => [state] => 1 [value] => ) ) [params] => Array ( [rendering_item_attributes] => [rendering_css_class] => [top_items] => 50 [top_display] => renderItem [top_display_field_name] => [top_columns] => 2 [top_column_width] => 0 [top_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [top_item_order] => 0 [top_item_height] => 1 [middle_items] => [middle_display] => renderItem [middle_display_field_name] => [middle_columns] => 2 [middle_column_width] => 0 [middle_column_width_custom] => 50,50 [middle_item_order] => 0 [middle_item_height] => 1 [bottom_items] => [bottom_display] => renderItem [bottom_display_field_name] => [bottom_columns] => 3 [bottom_column_width] => 0 [bottom_column_width_custom] => 33,34,33 [bottom_item_order] => 0 [bottom_item_height] => 1 [cck_client_item] => 1 [debug] => 0 [item_margin] => 8 [rendering_css_core] => ) [positions] => Array ( [mainbody] => Array ( [0] => art_catid [1] => art_title [2] => art_alias [3] => file_upload [4] => url ) ) [methodRender] => onCCK_FieldRenderContent [css] => [js] => [js2] => [config] => Array ( ) [id] => cck13798 [positions_m] => Array ( [hidden] => stdClass Object ( [position] => hidden [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => ) [mainbody] => stdClass Object ( [position] => mainbody [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => [legend2] => Category / Title / Alias / FIle Upload / Website URL ) ) [pid] => 13907 [pk] => 13798 [pkb] => 0 [cck] => general_article [location] => joomla_article [author] => 268 ) ) [i_infos] => Array ( [context] => [params] => Array ( [rendering_css_class] => [rendering_custom_attributes] => [rendering_css_core] => ) [path] => /var/www/html/templates/simplesimon [root] => [template] => simplesimon [theme] => msb_bolide ) [i_params] => Array ( [template] => simplesimon [file] => index.php [directory] => /var/www/html/templates ) [i_positions] => Array ( [mainbody] => Array ( [0] => art_catid [1] => art_title [2] => art_alias [3] => file_upload [4] => url ) ) [i_positions_more] => Array ( [hidden] => stdClass Object ( [position] => hidden [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => ) [mainbody] => stdClass Object ( [position] => mainbody [client] => item [legend] => [variation] => [variation_options] => [width] => [height] => [css] => [legend2] => Category / Title / Alias / FIle Upload / Website URL ) ) [id_attributes] => [id_class] => [item_attributes] => )
Project Management Division

The Project Management Division is responsible for managing a wide variety of Borough construction projects from design to completion. Projects include new schools, libraries, fire stations, water/sewer systems, renovations, and other public facility construction projects within the Matanuska-Susitna Borough. As stewards of the tax payers' money, our goal is to economically construct long-term facilities that serve the public safely, improve the quality of life and health of our citizens, are low maintenance, and are environmentally/energy efficient. Core duties include:
- Direct, plan, coordinate, and manage capital improvement projects
- Develop concepts and strategies for achieving assigned project objectives and operational goals
- Draft and modify project schedules, scopes of work, technical specifications, cost estimates, and budgets
- Chair numerous meetings with consultants, contractors, utilities, government agencies, and public entities
- Inspect and review project progress to ensure compliance with specifications
- Resolve conflicts during design and construction
533 E. Fireweed Avenue in Palmer
Phone: (907) 861-7723
Fax: (907) 861-7735